Y’all can’t go out dancing yet but come do the next best thing and get down with us lot this Saturday at 8 with the legend that is @davegilyeat on @bbcintrooxford ? We’ll be chatting about our new single The Deadbeat Shuffle, how we’ve learnt to adapt in this last year and what the future holds for the Deadbeats. Marking nearly one year since our Nightshift cover, our lockdown video for Viva la Evolution, the first online DOTDB and our documentary On Record it’s been quite a ride. Come tune in and hear how we rode the hell that broke loose like a wild drunk horse, grab a beer and cozy on down for some DBA and BBC lovings. This Saturday at 8! BBC Radio Oxford – BBC Music Introducing in Oxfordshire, The Deadbeat Apostles (27/03/2021)https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p099v5q0